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Lost or Humiliated

Just 24 hours has passed since the end of the Spain Super Cup football match. I’ve had enough time to think about what happened, and digest the results. Am I sad we lost the game? Absolutely. But this is more than just one match lost. There is something else that makes me feel angry and deceived.

You are an idiot if you think your team can, and always, will win. Yes, you wish it would happen, but realistically, you must be prepared for disappointment, those moments that signal failure.
I recognize this…I know my team can’t always win. But what I can’t accept is humiliation. This has nothing to do with sport.

As a result of improper management (in my opinion), my beloved football team is falling to pieces. So drastic is the devestation that even its brightest stars have been placed under a dark shadow. Three years ago, we lacked defenders…and soon after, middle players. Today, we even question the new coach …. Can anything get any worse? Everything is: a total lack of team confidence, and a rapidly sinking morale.

The way we lost the Supercup was not an accident. It wasn’t by chance that we lost 4-0 with PSG (but after we turned the result in our favor, then everyone moved on, and again viewed it as an accident) And then we played miserably against Juventus (3-0) …and during the last Spanish championship, we played inexplicably awful. Not just once, but several times. I think the “bad moments” are just beginning. Unless the team’s management is changed, there is no hope for a team that fills millions of supporters’ hearts with joy and hope.

It’s normal to encourage your favorite team in bad moments, and to stand by them. It’s normal to believe that perhaps it was a bad day, someone was in a bad mood, or perhaps it was just plain old bad luck. We can blame  fatigue, or illness; any excuse will do. It’s all the same to me, because in my mind, I live off the many magnificent memories given to me by this beautiful team. Moments that made me cry tears of happiness.
I am grateful for each moment when they scored. And there were so many magical moments! And yet, at that time, I knew there would inevitably be future failures. It is impossible to avoid. But I never expected that failure would be produced from the inside, from a management team that can’t make decent transfers, that wastes money, that makes the wrong decisions over and over again.
A management “team” that refuses to invest in our youth, denying us of the future leaders and stars we need. We seem not only to be incapable of buying good players from other teams, but we sell our own talent cheaply to competitors.

How tragic to see a such a promising, beautiful dream dying because of so much incompetence!